The Secret Gift of Christmas
A Hallmark Channel original movie. Bonnie is a vibrant personal gift shopper who specializes in always adding a unique touch to every gift she selects. Bonnie's clients adore her for her keen eye for detail and her ability to make each present truly special. When Bonnie is hired to help construction business owner Patrick with his holiday shopping, she's met with an unexpected challenge. Patrick is a down-to-earth, blue-collar guy who needs an outfit for an upcoming holiday party. However, his preference is a simple hoodie, far from Bonnie's usual glamorous fashion choices. Patrick's aversion to change is rooted in the loss of his wife two years prior, leaving him as a single father juggling a demanding career. And he's not the only one struggling with a loss – Bonnie is also still reeling from the loss of her mother two years ago. She finds comfort in excessive shopping and finds solace in the world of social media where she shares her shopping adventures with a robust fanbase. While completing shopping assignments for Patrick, Bonnie gets to know his young daughter, Phoebe, connecting over their shared sadness of having both lost their mothers, and they develop a bond that helps them both heal. Bonnie learns that true happiness comes from being present in the lives of those she cares about, and that the most valuable gifts are ones that come from the heart. Meanwhile, Patrick begins to realize that in order to move forward and find love again, he needs to embrace change and open his heart.
Starring Meghan Ory, Christopher Russell, Aria Publicover
Director Christie Will