The Sandman

An entertaining, playfully surreal modern fairy tale that’s like a cross between Kafka, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and nothing else we’ve seen before. Boasting wackily appealing acting, visuals and music, writer/director Luisi’s laugh-out-loud comedy explores the discrepancy between what every person could be and what he or she actually is. One fine morning, arrogant stamp collector Benno finds sand in his bed. At first he tries to ignore the mess, but he soon realizes that the sand is coming from him. As he sheds more and more sand, his limbs start to vanish. Day after day the amount of sand increases and soon his time literally starts running short. Finally Benno is left no choice but to ask for help. Sandra is a frustrated singer who runs a small coffee shop underneath his apartment. Although Benno hates her with a passion, he starts dreaming about her every night. What could Sandra and the dreams have to do with the sand?
Fabian Krüger, Frölein Da Capo, Beat Schlatter
Peter Luisi