The Novelist - Spring Life
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Two and a half years ago, Haruhiko Kuzumi (Kenta Izuka) and Rio Kijima’s (Terunosuke Takezai) lives changed forever, when a chance encounter of a most painful sort brought them together. Having accidentally caused a bicycle accident which left Rio with a broken arm and no way to work, Haruhiko agreed to help the struggling writer transcribe his story in lieu of monetary compensation. Working together, the two developed a close relationship which has remained to this day. Moving from Tokyo back into his parents’ countryside house with his sister and her husband, Rio’s life has taken a much different turn since his days spent with Haruhiko. At the same time, so has Haruhiko’s. A university student at the time, Haruhiko has since graduated and is now a productive, working member of Tokyo society. Now separated by both time and distance, the only thing connecting the two are the letters they still occasionally write to each other. Near the point of giving up on each other, Rio is surprised when fate decides to bring Haruhiko back into his life. Meeting by chance in the peaceful countryside, the two men have a chance to reconnect; but will this meeting be one of heartbreak or joy? The sequel to the 2018 drama, “The Novelist”, “The Novelist - Spring Life” is a 2021 romance directed by Miki Koichiro.
