The New Order

New York detective investigator Arthur receives a mysterious letter, with an air ticket and an encrypted message, from his university professor, a Ukrainian.. Arthur flies to Kyiv to unravel this enigmatic tangle and to help the daughter of a man who played an important role in his life many years ago. Film description The Order of Cynocephali is a secret society, founded over two thousand years ago. It originated from the early Christians after the crucifixion of Christ and is directly related to the spread of Christianity across the globe. Today, it is the oldest Order in the world. The head of the Order, Professor Oryst, is a white Cynocephalus, a liberal democrat and heir to a dynasty that has remained in power for many years. His adversary is Albert, the leader of the black Cynocephali. Albert believes that modern Christianity is moving in the wrong direction; he wants to seize power from Oryst and is preparing a coup.
Andrezj Zielinski, Daniel Olbrychski, Olena Lavrenyuk
Stanislav Kapralov