The Mexican
The Mexican centers on Jerry (Brad Pitt) and Samantha (Julia Roberts), a couple whose romantic relationship is complicated enough when Jerry is called on to perform one last errand for a mob boss. He has to go to Mexico to get a valuable antique gun called \"The Mexican\" from a man named Beck and bring them both back with him. Jerry tries to explain to Samantha that given a choice between letting down the mob and letting down his girlfriend, the fact that only one of those options involves death has to factor into the calculus. Samantha, who is a big fan of the women's magazine school of relationships and who reads books like \"Men Who Can't Love\" with a highlighter in her hand, tosses Jerry's clothes out the window and sets off to pursue her dream of becoming a croupier in Las Vegas. The mob guys know that Jerry's focus and competence cannot be counted on without a little added incentive, so they arrange for Samantha to be kidnapped by a hitman named Leroy (James Gandolfini).
Starring Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Bob Balaban
Director Gore Verbinski