The Last Road to Cambodia

A wanderer by nature, freelance journalist turned road philosopher, Gary Schmad, was holed up somewhere off the beaten track in Asia wondering just how many roads he'd have to take before he got where he's going. As usual just as he was about to either break on through to the other side or slide ever further into the great abyss, his assignment, finally, comes through. Sending him back to Cambodia to shoot more footage and interviews on the Killing Fields of Cambodia was one thing, but this time they were pushing him directly into the heart of darkness to interview Pol Pot's last living torturer, Prak Khan, who practiced his deadly craft for the Khmer Rouge at the infamous Tual Sleng Prison just outside Phnom Penh. It was a job, though, and he was glad for it. Grabbing his devil-may-care cameraman, he hits the open road for yet another adventure on his continuing odyssey through life. But the dark world he uncovers is still a living nightmare for many as they recall loved ones disappearing into the night never to be seen again, babies' heads smashed in front of screaming mothers, torture, death a thousand times over and an all pervasive hunger that drove them to eat bugs, mice and even dirt. The Khmer Rouge killed millions in a holocaust to create a communist peoples' paradise on earth but left Cambodia a poor and broken country in its wake. Even after encounters with mass murderers, torturers and broken survivors along the way, the gods were still not content. They still had to show him what death was really like… up close, and way too personal .... Join him in a most unusual odyssey that pierces the heart of darkness in Cambodia to find a little light along the way.
Gary Schmad, Ray Liptak
Gary Schmad