The Landlord
Available on Tubi TV
Tyler never has trouble finding tenants for his cozy 3-unit apartment building...he just has trouble keeping them alive to pay the rent! For Tyler is a young slacker who inherits a demon-infested apartment building from his devil-worshipping parents, and with it the job of finding new tenants for the two 5,000 year old demons to devour and cleaning up the mess when they're done. While he clearly resents his lot, Tyler limits his rebellion to grumbling to Rabisu, the lesser of the demons and, from all appearances, Tyler's only real friend. Tyler's sister Amy, a police officer, is indifferent to his plight - or at least too distracted by her shady dealings with the local gang of vampires to get involved. However, the status quo is upset when an attractive young woman named Donna moves into Tyler's building. While Donna is clearly on the run from something, Tyler takes a liking to her, and decides to save her from becoming the demons' next meal.
Starring Derek Dziak, Rom Barkhordar, Michelle Courvais
Director Emil Hyde