The Kennedy Legacy

In the United States, the phrase Kennedy family commonly refers to the family that was prominent in American politics and government. The lives of Kennedy family members, noted for their extraordinary accomplishments, have also been marked by tragedy. The family suffered numerous tragedies known as “the Kennedy curse”, including the assassination of brothers President John Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy, the controversial Chappaquiddick incident, and four airplane crashes. The death of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was the final curtain not just on one man’s career but on a five-decade docudrama in which the triumphs and tragedies of a single family seized the public imagination and influenced American political life. The Kennedy Legacy steps back in time to a political era that spanned storybook weddings, and assassinations, glamourous “Jackie” fashions - elements that spawned the storybook notion of Camelot and immortalized a family in an almost mythical dynasty. The Kennedy Legacy is a stylish documentary featuring amazing archival period footage on the Kennedy Dynasty which has been at the forefront of American consciousness since the sixties.
Tim Nelson