The Joe Manifesto

Aged in his early 30's, Joe works an office job and is engaged to his lovely fiancé Marg. However, some things seem to be lacking in Joe's life - passion, adventure, and self-expression. He has no outlet for it except for when he spies on women like female co-workers and his attractive married next door neighbor Lisa, from inside his car. Joe is also tired of keeping his lips zipped around people that irritate him like his control freak, soon-to-be mother in law and co-workers who drive him insane with their inane conversation. Almost on cue, a compelling and attractive co-worker,Vee, crosses Joe's path, tempting him towards her wild ways of job and partner swapping. Joe is floored by her raw honesty and the credos contained in a booklet she calls her "manifesto" which emphasizes being honest and impulsive in life. Joe is inspired as life soon becomes the adventure he sought. He breaks off with his fiancé, gets a job demotion, and starts telling people like his fellow co-workers and his soon-to-be mother in law, what he truly thinks of them. He also starts a sexual relationship with two women at his work, one of whom is married. The inevitable physical relationship with Vee begins and as a surprise to them both, they no longer feel the desire to see other people. Joe soon becomes disappointed that routine and predictability soon sets in again in what was an impulsive and exciting risky relationship, so he breaks up with Vee. Feeling that romantic passion has failed him again, Joe implodes. He starts acting on every impulse he has to stir up chaos and unpredictability in his life. He propositions his next door neighbor Lisa in front of her husband, reveals to another husband that he (Joe) is sleeping with his wife and further verbally abuses people at work. As hatred and pain pour of his heart, Joe catches sight of the man he has become. He stops in his tracks and hides away in shame from Vee and the workmates he has upset. He reveals to his ex-fiancé Marg that he wants her back, only to be met with a quick dismissal from her. Feeling the financial strain of impending mortgage payments and a sense of responsibility to face his co-workers, Joe does the walk of shame back to work. The evening after his first day at work, Marg sees that Joe is down in the dumps. She tells him that he shouldn't be sorry for the journey he has undertaken, because he has found his own personal boundaries and that now he is ready to be a better person. Inspired by Marg's words, Joe almost feel like a new man as he faces his co-workers holding up his head up a little higher. He musters the courage to confront Vee and tells her that her "manifesto" is a selfish and wrong and that she needs to write a new one for herself. With a heavy heart he bids her a final goodbye. Joe returns home with a brand new empty small booklet that he begins writing in. He titles it, "My Manifesto"..
Gregory Pakis, Chloe Gardner, Fiona Macys
Gregory Pakis