The Hog Farm Movie

In 1967, a motley group of artists, musicians and assorted freaks found themselves living on a hilltop hog farm in Southern California. Paul Foster had been one of Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters. Now he was a computer programmer working for NASA’s Apollo team. Bonnie Jean Romney was an actress, doing ingénue roles on Gunsmoke and Star Trek. Hugh Romney was a poet and improv comic using theatre games to treat autistic children. He would later change his name to Wavy Gravy and become an ice cream flavor. In the summer of 1968 they went on the road with 40 painted buses, 2 geodesic domes, a light show, a band…and the Yippee Party candidate for president, a 300-pound hog named Pigasus. This is the film of their epic journey across America, finally released after 50 years. Music by The Beatles, The Grateful Dead, Neal Cassady, the Jim Kweskin Jug Band, and The Claude Doty Hog Farm Band. Originally shot on 16mm in 1967-1968 and now fully restored in digital HD.
Ken Kesey, Bonnie Jean Romney, Hugh Romney
David Lebrun