The Health of Hope

This film takes the viewer through an intimate journey of one of the poorest districts in America - District 7 in Mott Haven, South Bronx. The story is told through the eyes of the students of Middle School 223, a public Middle School who's Principal and staff refuse to accept the status quo of the neighborhood. This community is largely comprised of immigrants and first generation Americans who are struggling to make ends meet and provide a better life for their children. MS/HS 223 has designed several Afterschool and weekend programs in order to teach their students the importance of nutrition, athletics, and the arts as realistic pathways out of poverty. With the community coming together in terms of the students, parents, teachers, administrators, politicians, and activists, the insurmountable odds facing District 7 can and will be overcome.
Bill de Blasio, Rubén Díaz Jr., Reggie Jackson
Sai Varadan