The Great Flip-Off
Available on Prime Video, Tubi, Amazon Freevee
When Ringling Bros. announce the end of their three-ring big top to usher in a new era of fewer animals and arena-only performances, it marks the beginning of the end in entertainment history for the original circus act — The Bareback riders. These acrobatic daredevils perform stunts upon galloping horses with a will of their own. Meet the last of the great bareback artists as they band together for the largest gathering of riders this century — one final death-defying performance in the face of extinction from the American circus. Follow these extreme riders and their legendary families, from Italy, Mexico, Hungary and France, as they bring the risk and beauty of the original circus act to a multi-generational audience, one last time in. Then, return 10 years later to discover how these families have dealt with the passing of time in a range of unusual happy endings and ultimate heartbreak.
Starring Mark Karoly, Timi Loyal, Pedro Reis
Director Dafna Yachin