The Gold Seekers
Available on FlixLatino, Prime Video, Sling TV
Los Buscadores follows Manu (Tomás Arredondo), a newspaper delivery boy who lives in La Chacarita and works in the outskirts of Asunción, who one day receives a book that talks about the history of Paraguay, but later discovers that he is hiding a map that may or may not reveal the exact location of a treasure hidden at the time of the Triple Alliance War. Together with his friend Fito (Christian Ferreira) and Don Elio (Mario Toñanez), a gentleman who knows about the adventures of the silver "los buscadores" of Yvyguy, they decide to follow the clues and look for the treasure, which would put an end to the economic problems that everybody is going through living very close to the flooding of the Paraguay River.
Starring Tomás Arredondo, Cecilia Torres, Christian Ferreira
Director Juan Carlos Maneglia, Tana Schémbori