The Fall
Available on MUBI, Prime Video
Presented by David Fincher and Spike Jonze, The Fall is a breathtakingly imaginative treat from visionary filmmaker Tarsem, destined to linger long in the imagination, giving wings to the grand spirit of adventure and charm of storytelling. In 1920s Los Angeles, whilst rehabilitating in hospital after a fall, 5 year-old Alexandria strikes up an unlikely friendship with Hollywood stuntman Roy. Recovering from a near fatal accident and a personal betrayal, Roy is a broken man and recognises in Alexandria's eyes the innocence and glistening reflection of unconditional optimism. He begins to tell of a magical, mythological land ruled by Governor Odious and the 5 extraordinary heroes charged to defeat him - an enthralling story of colour, texture and immense riches unravels - and it is only when the lines between reality and fantasy begin to blur that Alexandria realises there is much more at stake than meets the eye.
Starring Lee Pace, Catinca Untaru, Justine Waddell
Director Tarsem Singh