The Deadly Strands
In the early years of the Republic, warlords, the war of four, The people are destitute. The chaos, but a group of students who cheat for deception, provide a stage to show talent. The gang boss Lin Xiaotian from a cheat that Japanese will give warlord Wang Dashuai 12 boxes of gold as warlords and the Northern Expedition army resistance of funds. In order to get this batch of gold, Lin Xiaotian began recruiting, the rivers and lakes in there are thousands of dough said cheat "grimace" and "real stone Tate 1000 into the Lin Xiaotian first draw the target. Who knows "grimace" and "stone" turned out to be enemy can not meet, two people to buy each other to death, launched a a trick contest, and, Behold, two people in this contest is evenly matched. During the "grimace" met disguised as a nun to steal the "dumpling", able to unlock the "dumpling" also be stirred into the Lin Xiaotian conspiracy. A pedestrian to the gold trading place go forward with great strength and vigour "outlet town". Wind Kou Zhen is a person Abraham to trace the town, a total of only 110 households, but local feared gangs of bandits, leading gold three Niang in a scuffle but it took a fancy to "Buddha", insisted on to rob stone her "to do pressure village Mr.." For God did not know that the ghost not to become aware to get gold, "stone Buddha" proposed a startled day substitution plan -- twins meter, put on a deserted town - "town fell into" into the "air" of the town, for a program about the gold deposits of intense expansion.
Starring Leon Dai, Jiaming Guo, Qianqian Kong
Director Xiao-Ou Zhao, Xiao-Xi Zhao