The Cunning Little Vixen
Available on Prime Video, Marquee TV
Watch Leos Janácek's much-loved opera ''The Cunning Little Vixen'' spring to life in this charming animated film. Janácek was inspired to write one of his most beloved operas after seeing Stanislav Lolek's famous newspaper cartoon strip depicting the rural tale of Vixen Sharp-Ears and her adventures on Forrester's farm. Now, The Cunning Little Vixen returns to its animated roots in this wonderfully whimsical cartoon inspired by Lolek's original drawings. Sung in English and beautifully animated Janácek's clucking chickens, moody badgers, and adorable foxes burst to life as never before in this family-friendly film. Follow Vixen Sharp-Ears from her life as a young cub on Forrester's farm to her great adventure into the wild.
Starring Christine Buffle, Grant Doyle, Matt Baker
Director Geoff Dunbar