The Connected Cup
Available on Prime Video, Tubi TV
What started as a fascination with coffee, turned into a journey revealing the beautiful, harsh, and captivating intricacies of the human experience. The Connected Cup weaves a journey from the Sahara desert to Africa’s highest peak, amongst the bustling cities of Italy to the wild coffee forests of Ethiopia, from the Costa Rican cloud forests to Japan’s serene tea farms, sharing coffee from a VW van in Colorado to a pot of chai on the streets of India, and culminating these connections amidst a matriarchal village in Kenya. Where Journalist, Brooke Bierhaus, reveals and examines the first connected cup. A narrative that incorporates interviews, revelations, and musings from people in 8 languages throughout; proving that we all speak the language of coffee and tea. Unification amongst different backgrounds and cultures. Showcasing how we are all connected through a common cup.
Starring Brooke Bierhaus
Director Brooke Bierhaus