The Campbell: Traders, Gangsters and Robots
Set in the near future, THE CAMPBELL:TRADERS GANGSTERS and ROBOTS, introduces Nnen (R. Saeed Green), a small time goods trader residing in CAMP DOMINION, a rough region located in a State that was granted secession from The Union. Anxious to capitalize on a few rare possessions, Nnen meets with Wonnie (Yoon Chul Park) , a more seasoned trader, to make a sell/trade. But Wonnie knows more about Nnen's ambitious nature than he leads Nnen to believe. Accompanied by his robotic mini-rover A.M, Nnen grows impatient by Wonnie's indifference in making a deal. Nnen soon learns that he is behind enemy lines, and that veteran traders have their own way of dealing with competitors that threaten to flood their secret market.
Starring Felix Hoo, Steven M. Digiacco, Joseph F. Digiacco
Director Raheem Green, Rasheed K. Green