The Caller

Starring 2009 Academy Award Nominee Frank Langella (Best Actor, Frost/Nixon) Jimmy Stevens (Frank Langella), a senior VP for E.N. Corporation, sets up his own assassination after sending a damaging but anonymous email with deflated sales figures for his company and attaching a video-clip containing sinister images of a clandestine burial at the energy firm's factory in Latin America. In New York the wheels of the corporation spin into action using contacts, Teddy and Sammy, from the underground to track down the whistleblower. Jimmy fears for his life, and, using a pseudonym, hires Frank Turlotte (Elliott Gould), a private detective, to follow a man and track his movements. Disguising his voice, Jimmy does not tell Turlotte that the person who has hired him, and the man he is to trail are one and the same. Played the Tribecea Film Festival.
Frank Langella, Elliott Gould, Laura Harring
Richard Ledes