Sunny Love
In high school, Quynh (Midu) and Tuan (Harry Lu) shared a tumultuous relationship marked by constant teasing and retaliation, which gradually evolved into unexpected romantic feelings. Their underclassman Thanh (Anh Tu) silently harbored a one-sided crush on Quynh. After Tuan's sudden confession, a tragic accident separates them, leaving Quynh devastated. Four years later, Quynh works as a manager for Thanh, now a successful actor, and has seemingly moved on with her life. Everything changes when a new entertainment company director arrives who bears an uncanny resemblance to Tuan. Thanh discovers the director is actually Tuan and must decide whether to reveal the truth to Quynh, risking their current relationship. This sets the stage for a potential reunion that could rewrite their past and future. "Sunny Love" is a 2016 Vietnamese romantic comedy film directed by Luk Van that explores themes of love, second chances, and unexpected connections.