Strike Missions: Arnhem

An exhilarating breakdown of some of history's most decisive battles. With expert analysis and eyewitness accounts examining the strategy behind the chaos of the war. The Battle for Arnhem, which was battled out on the banks of the Rhine in 1944, was part of Operation Market Garden, the code name for a large offensive which aimed to advance from liberated Belgium straight to the middle of the Netherlands and then turn off towards Germany. Operation Market Garden was one of the largest Allied operations of the Second World War. It was hoped that with a swift advance towards Berlin, the war would be over before Christmas. This was the largest airborne operation in the history of warfare. Operation Garden was the campaign on the ground of the 30th Corps aimed at securing the bridges captured by the airborne forces. The aim was to have the bridge conquered. However, the German forces proved to be too strong.
Lee Jagow
Ben Sempey