Street Level

Based on a true story of love, money and dope. Rico Santana believes there are two kinds of people in the world: the ones walking on the streets, and the ones living on them. He lives and breathes them. As a street dealer who fell from grace and became a junkie, Rico knows that addiction and junkies come in all forms. Rico and his girlfriend Jesse live in a low level tenement in Los Angeles. They both have king size speedball habits and are scraping the bottom of the barrel of life doing whatever it takes to get by. Surrounded by a crew with various habits of their own, this underground world of characters is virtually invisible to the average person working nine to five. But Rico and his boys are in a constant chase for money to cop dope. They spend days figuring out the next scam and then how to make it even bigger. Addiction, like love, can drive you to do things you never could have imagined…until you got a habit that needs filing or a person you can’t live without.
Marilyn Manson, Kristen Renton, David LaBrava
David Labrava