Stinking Heaven

Married couple Jim and Lucy (Keith Poulson, Deragh Campbell) run a commune in the early 90's for sober living out of their suburban New Jersey home. The motley members eat, bathe and work together selling homemade "health tea" out of their van. Although there's constant bickering and plenty of fires to be put out, Jim and Lucy have managed to establish a haven for these outcasts. But the harmony is interrupted when Ann (Hannah Gross), a recovering addict and the ex-lover of one housemate, arrives. Ann's insidious presence sends the members spiraling out of control, resulting in paranoia, drug relapse and eventually death. Directed by Nathan Silver Story by Nathan Silver and Jack Dunphy Produced by Rachel Wolther Cinematography by Adam Ginsberg Edited by Stephen Gurewitz Composed by Paul Grimstad Starring: Hannah Gross, Keith Poulson, Deragh Cambell, Eleonore Hendricks, Tallie Medel, Henri Douvry, Jay Giampietro, Jason Grisell, Eileen Kearney, Larry Novak, Eleanore Pienta, Carl Kranz, Diane Lanyi and Julie Marcus Festivals: Rotterdam International Film Festival, BAMCinemafest, Maryland Film Festival, Oak Cliff Film Festival and more.
Deragh Campbell, Keith Poulson, Hannah Gross
Nathan Silver