Stardust Memories
Available on Pluto TV, Tubi TV
Comedian-turned-director Sandy Bates (Woody Allen) is a very successful filmmaker, whose comedies have audiences rolling in the aisles all over the world. But Bates has a serious side. When he makes a serious drama, it is poorly received-mostly because the audience and the critics want only comedy from him. Bates seeks solace, without much success, from the three woman in his life - Dorrie (Charlotte Rampling), Isobel (Marie-Christine Barrault) and Daisy (Jessica Harper). Bates is invited as the main attraction at a weekend film seminar at an out-of-town hotel. There he will encounter a powerful lady film critic, babbling autograph-seeking film buffs and film executives. Their almost common cry, 'I liked you when you made funny movies, not all this other stuff.'
Starring Woody Allen, Charlotte Rampling, Jessica Harper
Director Woody Allen