Special Blood
Available on Tubi TV, Plex
A poignant, no-holds-barred documentary chronicling the lives of four patients with a dramatic, rare disease. Due to the rarity of their condition, Ava, Noah, Kelsie, and Lora face misdiagnosis, improper treatment, and preventable tragedy in the emergency room all as they fight to live normal lives. Struggling to be heard by an ignorant healthcare system, they join their voices together to conquer adversity and create change. Special Blood explores the intersection between human frailty and strength, giving an intimate look into the personal lives and struggles of rare disease patients in America. As she enters the community which these determined patients have created around their shared disease, filmmaker Natalie Metzger uncovers stories of inspiration, struggle, renewed purpose, and untimely death. As they tell their stories, we see how these brave underdogs are changing the future for rare disease patients on a global scale.
Starring Ava Levy, Noah Davis-Logan, Kelsie Neahring
Director Natalie Metzger