The Delta alumnae are the most dedicated and connected with instant networking potential and high-paying jobs. It’s all high profile. Popularity: through the roof. Unofficially, they’re prettier, and date cuter guys. Officially, don’t ever cross them. On campus, 18-year-old college freshman Katie Parker is what’s known as a premium girl, a hot rush ticket who all the sorority houses are fighting for. No wonder. Her mother, Lutie, co-founded the beloved Deltas with her old BFF, Summer. Naturally, it’s a given that Katie will become part of her mother’s legacy. And the Delta sorority, mostly blonde, mostly heels, mostly spoiled, totally dominates. Like the house itself—a Barbie Dream Mansion come to life complete with a full-time cook and a weekly maid. It sleeps more girls that any other. Best. House. Ever. Just ask Gwen, Delta super girl, and Summer’s daughter. The only girl not convinced is Katie. If tradition says Delta, Katie’s heart says Kappa, where the girls wear jeans, the smiles are sincere, and the motto is “friendship not gossip, fun not drama.” Sure, they’re edging a little toward nerdy, but the guys they draw are kind of hot. It causes a sorority-sized scandal when Katie decides to bite the bullet and snub the Deltas. It’s a major coup for the Kappas, but it makes a campus pariah out of Katie and is a major disappointment and embarrassment to her mother. As for the bitter Deltas, Katie and the Kappas are now to ones to beat for the coveted Tri-Crown Prize—an annual competition that pits sorority against sorority and talent against popularity. And this time it’s war. It’s judgment day on campus when the Sorority Wars are engaged in a spry new comedy that breaks with tradition.
1 hr 30 min
Lifetime Movie Club
Lucy Hale, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Faith Ford