Song For Hope: The Ryan Anthony Story

“Song For Hope” is the remarkable story of world renowned trumpet soloist, Ryan Anthony. When diagnosed with a rare, terminal blood cancer and given just months to live, Ryan and his wife Niki started the charity “CancerBlows" raising awareness and vital funds for cancer research by organizing huge music concert tours with some of the world’s greatest musicians. These included Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of famers “Chicago”, Doc Severinsen from Jonny Carson’s Tonight Show, Dave Matthews Band, Grammy Winner Arturo Sandoval and even the trumpet soloist of Ricky Martin’s "Livin’ La Vida Loca”! During Ryan's treatment, he also climbed Mt. Fuji with his oncologist playing his trumpet at the summit at sunrise. Now, eight years into his fight with the terminal affliction, this award-winning documentary feature film, follows Ryan as he tours the United States tirelessly performing and recording with the world's greatest musicians and teaching students everywhere about why music truly matters.
Ryan Anthony, RB Anthony, Gary Beard
Chris Haigh