Sir Antonio Pappano conducts Liszt & Strauss
Available on Prime Video, Marquee TV
Sir Antonio Pappano conducts the London Symphony Orchestra in a captivating performance that showcases Strauss' Also sprach Zarathustra, Liszt's Totentanz - featuring pianist Alice Sara Ott - and a world premiere from Hannah Kendall. Sir Antonio Pappano's first concert as Chief Conductor Designate of the LSO is packed with emotional depth and technical mastery. The concert opens with the world premiere of Hannah Kendall's O Flower of Fire. Renowned pianist Alice Sara Ott joins the LSO for Liszt's technical showpiece, Totentanz, making light work of the breakneck glissandos. The concert concludes with Strauss' vivid tone poem, inspired by Nietzsche's philosophical book of the same name. A profoundly beautiful musical expression of the literary text, the opening bars are a memorable blast of trumpets and pounding timpani, made famous by Stanley Kubrick's film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Program: O Flower of Fire - Hannah Kendall (World Premiere) Totentanz - Franz Liszt * Also sprach Zarathustra - Richard Struass *Featuring Alice Sara Ott on piano
