Show Me Your Love
Available on Viki, Tubi TV
Born in Hong Kong, Jiang Si Nian (Raymond Wong) moved to Malaysia at a young age with his mother Li Hao (Nina Paw). Over the years, Si Nian's mother uses various excuses to lie to him and leave him waiting at his aunt's home, causing a rift in their relationship. This eventually leads to his decision to leave his mother and study in a Hong Kong university. He settles down there with his wife Charlotte (Ivana Wong) and young daughter after graduation and works as a teacher when his aunt's sudden death calls him back to Malaysia, a place he hasn't visited in over 20 years. The funeral reunites him with his estranged mother, who is revealed to be suffering from Sundown Syndrome and in an unstable mental state. His original intent to return home to Hong Kong after resettling his mother in an old folks' home is disrupted with her terminal diagnosis of MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction). A re-discovery of the old "wish-list" he'd written for his mother as a child reminds him of his promises towards her and filled with guilt and remorse, he decides to keep his promises and fulfil those old wishes. However what would typically be an easy task for others is made less so by Li Hao's weakening physical condition. Just as Si Nian finds himself floundering, his wife who had initially been against her husband remaining in Malaysia suddenly appears with their daughter, Joey, in hand. Together with Si Nian, they embark on a journey to ensure the wishes fulfilled. Si Nian starts to learn more about his mother through this journey, and it' up to him to fight against the clock to make up for his mistakes in the limited time they have left. But time waits for no man; will they be able to carry out all the wishes, and will mother and son be able to work past the issues weighing them down?
Starring Paw Hee Ching, Ivana Wong, Michelle Wai
Director 李勇昌