Sex(Ed): The Movie
Available on Pluto TV, Tubi TV
Remember the first time you learned about sex? Maybe it was a book with colorful illustrations, a talk with Mom or Dad, a corny classroom film, or just a random encounter with a dirty magazine. Sex(Ed) offers a revealing, occasionally awkward, and often hilarious look at how Americans have learned about sex from the early 1900s to the present. Using clips from an astounding array of sex-ed films, this entertaining documentary captures what it was like for the kids: confusion, shock, embarrassment - and as well for those doing the educating, often with their own moral agendas. Sex(Ed) shows us that educating kids about sex is not just about conveying the facts of biology and the dangers of STD's; what we learn, and how we learn it, affects our identity, our relationships, and our ability to be intimate throughout our lives.
Starring Dr. Tara McPherson, Dr. Carol Queen, Dr. Robert Eberwein
Director Brenda Goodman