
Third time is a charm and we believe that you will find our latest edition, “Seasoned” an instant snowboard classic! “Seasoned” is about exploring all that winter has to offer from the very beginning all the way to that warm spring end. We partnered up with Saas Fee to spend the majority of the winter there and truly get “Seasoned”. Starring Forrest Bürki, Wyatt Stasinos, Sammy Luebke, with Frederik Kalbermatten and Nicolas Müller. Also, Cory Stasinos, Aurel Anthamatten, Blake Paul, Mark Pinter, Sage Kotsenburg, Nick Becker, Blake Axelson, Romain De Marchi, Manu Dominguez, Terje Haakonsen, Jan Gyger and DCP.
Forrest Burki, Wyatt Stasinos, Sammy Luebke
Aaron Hooper