Driving through the desert, a wind storm kicks up enough dust that Shaggy doesn't see a "Keep out. Government" sign. The bumpy road causes the Mystery Machine to break down outside a small town and Shaggy and Scooby decide to stay with the van while the others hike in for help. Fighting over the last Scooby snack, it drops in front of a jackalope who takes off running. They're so distracted they don't see two aliens sneak up behind them -- a fright that sends them running right into town and into the local diner for a feast. At the diner they find out that the whole town is scared of the aliens. A slightly crazy local tells them he's even been experimented on. And just visible from the diner window: a government station with big satellite dishes looking for alien life forms. Time for the gang to investigate.
1 hr 9 min
Jeff Bennett, Mary Kay Bergman, Mark Hamill