Scary Movie

Never legitimately distributed until this very moment, SCARY MOVIE is a joyous horror triumph starring Academy Award nominee John Hawkes. On Halloween night, big-time nerd Warren (Hawkes, channeling a mix of Buster Keaton and Crispin Glover) attends a spookhouse in a small Texas town. But is the haunted house as harmless as it seems, or has a psychotic mental patient found a new stomping ground? Shot in Austin, Texas, SCARY MOVIE combines Argento-esque neon, Freddy Krueger dreamscapes, and slapstick inspired by EVIL DEAD 2 to forge a valentine to Halloween, rubber monster masks, and chopped-off limbs. From the songs by Roky Erickson and Butthole Surfers to the surrealistic mood, this is a true discovery for adventurous horror-heads.
John Hawkes, Suzanne Aldrich, Ev Lunning
Daniel Erickson