Ryan's World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure
Everyone loves Ryan. Especially his younger twin sisters, Emma and Kate. Desperate to play with their big brother, they’ll do anything to get his attention, often ruining his cool big-kid plans along the way. But when Emma and Kate’s enthusiasm to impress Ryan lures them into a strange, magical comic book, Ryan knows family comes first. He has to rescue his sisters. He jumps into the magic comic book after them, transforming into his anime superhero alter ego, Red Titan - and he’s now as animated as the mysterious comic book world he lands in. On an epic journey filled with heart, our hero experiences adventures, battles, and hilarious debacles, as Ryan and his friends navigate the Titan Universe and bring everyone back home safely before his parents catch on.
Starring Ryan Kaji, Emma Kaji, Kate Kaji
Director Albie Hecht