Reflexology: Awakening the Foot's Reflex Point to Bring Health&Well-Being - A Day At the Spa Collection

With modern day life getting ever more stressful, therapeutic treatments that promote health and well-being are becoming increasingly accepted as a valuable part of 21st Century living. One of the most popular therapies offered is Reflexology, and although the majority of people are aware that it concerns the feet, it can still seem a little mysterious. This program has been designed to give you insight into this very valuable health care option, not only explaining how it works, but also demonstrating ways in which it can be incorporated into everyday life. With the help of an experienced Reflexologist, you’ll discover precisely what happens if you go for professional treatment, with an up-close and personal view of what goes on. Whether you suffer with anything from insomnia to arthritis, or simply lack the energy you require to cope with a hectic and stressful lifestyle, Reflexology really can help, and this program is the perfect introduction to this remarkable and effective form of natural healing. You will: Take a guided tour of the different areas of the feet and the corresponding body parts • Learn simple exercises to make your hands supple and strong for maximum effectiveness when giving a Reflexology treatment • Master a basic Reflexology sequence to perform on others • Learn how to do Reflexology on yourself to relieve stress and promote health • See how to create a tranquil setting in which to practice Reflexology for maximum benefits to both the giver and receiver • Understand how to stimulate different glands and alleviate backaches, headaches, insomnia and cold symptoms • Take an in-depth look at valuable Reflexology massage techniques.
Sue Hosler
Liam Dale