Puffins Impossible: Action Pack 15
Enjoy this extraordinary collection of animated short films featuring the loveable characters from Puffins Impossible. The Action Pack 15 includes 3 amazing episodes: Water Slide Show; Mini Minions; Polar-Oid. Water slide show: Otto's laziness can be ignored often - but not when it means the whole of Taigasville is going to starve. To save their friends, the puffins find a way to reverse the flow of Otto's plan. Mini minions: The puffins are small and Otto is big, but when you have a spray that can manipulate size - all the rules go out the window! Polar-oid: Hypnosis, impersonation and spying - all part of a great spy novel... or an afternoon in Taigasville when Otto is up to no good!
Starring Johnny Depp
Director Boriša Simović, Petar Petrović