Were all the magical girls truly saved from despair? Now...the great 'Law of Cycles' leads the magical girls to their new fate. Madoka Kaname — a girl who once led an ordinary life sacrificed her very existence to set every magical girl free from their cruel destiny. Homura Akemi — another magical girl who was unable to keep her promise with Madoka continues to fight in the world Madoka left her behind in. 'I dream of the day when I can finally see your dear smile again. This third film with studio SHAFT will once again bring together the extraordinary members of the Madoka creative staff. Led by chief director Akiyuki Shimbou, script written by Gen Urobuchi from Nitroplus and the original character concept designs by aokiume. With a completely new screenplay and animation, 'Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie –Rebellion-' is a brand new tale of magical girls! Madoka Kaname has changed the world. In this new world, is what the magical girls see a world of hope... or despair?
Starring Yūki Aoi, Chiwa Saito, Kaori Mizuhashi
Director Yukihiro Miyamoto, Akiyuki Shinbo