Princess Grace of Monaco

Princess Grace Kelly, from Hollywood starlet to Princess consort of Monaco, Grace's life is truly like no other. An academy award-winning actress who broke the barriers between commoners and royalty, serving Monaco as the devoted wife of Prince Rainier III. Paving the way for modern-day royals, Lady Dianna Spencer, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle. Her serenity and poise helped transform the principality of Monaco into one of the top holiday destinations in the world as well as transforming herself from a young stage actress to a household name. Her onscreen beauty, self-confidence and mystery enchanted the world, and her elegance and grace as a princess defined royalty. Kelly will forever be remembered as an iconic Hollywood star however to the people of Monaco she will be remembered as Princess Grace Kelly.
Josie Ellis, Prince Albert of Monaco, Princess Grace of Monaco
Ben Sempey, Lucy Ciara McCutcheon