Pipeline Fighters

Pipeline Fighters fuses testimonials of lamentation, defiance and resolve in a scathing examination of fossil fuel infrastructure projects, hydraulic fracturing, climate change and use of eminent domain in the service of corporate profits, impacting our water, our safety and our way of life. Pipeline fighting citizens voice their opposition to interstate pipelines in the Virginias for the transport of fracked gas to export terminals, and abroad, while exploring the national struggle in transitioning to sustainable energy. Natural gas procured through unconventional hydraulic fracturing, has been the gold rush of the last decade. Pipelines are needed to move this massive glut of natural gas. The Appalachian basin, second only to the Amazon in Biodiversity, is now the key source for the continued expansion of natural gas through hydraulic fracturing. There are 19 pending Pipeline projects for the region that if built, will lock the nation into unsustainable levels of production. Jane Kleeb, instrumental in stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline, provides a backbone to Pipeline Fighters. She passionately ties together the issues, citizens' reactions and finally the solutions that have inspired a continuing Pipeline Fighters movement. Lorne Stockman, of Oil Change International, a watch dog organization that exposes the real cost of fossil fuels and helps the transition to clean energy, provides a strong voice of reason and real data about what our dependency on fossil fuels is doing to our planet. Mekasi Camp-Horinek, Ponca Nation member and protest coordinator for Standing Rock in North Dakota expounds on the significance of their protest and the importance of saving our water resources.
Jane Kleeb, Lorne Stockman, Mekasi Camp-Horinek
Marino Colmano