Pinocchio: A True Story
Available on Prime Video, Tubi TV, Plex
From the director and producers behind the smash hits BIG TRIP, MAGIC ARCH and TWO TAILS and the writers of SNOW QUEEN comes an-all-new take on the timeless fable of Carlo Collodi's PINOCCHIO. Think you know the story of Pinocchio? Think again! In this thrilling, humorous take on the classic tale, the wooden hero is a skilled acrobat who performs stunts with his beloved horse, the wisecracking Tybalt. He runs off to join a circus, where he falls for the ringmaster’s daughter, Bella. But when Pinocchio learns the circus is a cover-up for robberies, he must stop the crime spree in order to save Bella – and, hopefully, become human. It’s a magical adventure the whole family will love!
Starring Pauly Shore, Jon Heder, Tommy Kenny
Director Vasiliy Rovenskiy