
Margaret Atwood’s visionary work “Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth” is the basis for this riveting and poetic documentary on “debt” in its various forms—societal, personal, environmental, spiritual, criminal, and of course, economic. Filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal (“Manufactured Landscapes”) strikingly interweaves these (sometimes surprising) debtor/creditor relationships: two families in a years-long Albanian blood feud; the BP oil spill vs. the Earth; mistreated Florida tomato farm workers and their bosses; imprisoned media mogul Conrad Black and the U.S. justice system. With stunning cinematography and insightful commentary from renowned thinkers Raj Patel, Louise Arbour and Atwood herself, PAYBACK is a brilliant, game-changing rumination on the subject.
Margaret Atwood, Eric Schlosser, Raj Patel
Jennifer Baichwal