Overcoats - A Bands & Brews Session
Available on Qello Concerts
If you still don't know, Overcoats is a New York-based duo that consists of Hana Elion and JJ Mitchell. Their harmonies blend together to make indie electro-pop music that not only sounds pretty on the surface, but permeates a true sense of self-empowerment. Earlier this summer, the duo made a stop at Industry City for a Bands + Brews session, presented by Baeble Music. The two performed songs off of their debut album YOUNG. Before going into the first song, "Smaller Than My Mother," the two shared a hug, as if this was the last performance of their entire career -- or they were just really happy to be there. Probably the latter. Elion was in a white dress while Mitchell wore black, and, with no other members but themselves, the performance as a whole was minimalistic, which put their nearly perfect vocals on display. As they dove into "Hold Me Close," the two broke out into an endearing little dance - something they peppered throughout their performance - not choreographed, but in unison. "The Fog" was a bit of a darker cut. Right before Mitchell called out "the future is female!", the two sang, "freedom is when I'm without you / when the fog lifts, I'm the only one I see." Siren-like synths screech, and as they sing those lines, something about it just feels so damn good. It's one thing to preach about being independent, but it's an entirely different thing to show it. Here were two legitimate best friends right before us -- two women who were friends before they were musical partners, and as they sang about not needing a man to feel complete, they truly proved that as they cheered each other on. Through the relationship of two best friends, we were exploring the journey through womanhood. Sure, Overcoats' voices are sweet and their beats are sultry, but on the night of Bands + Brews, they brought something much bigger to Baeble.They proved that it is possible to lift each other up. Experience the positive vibes in full, with our newest Bands + Brews.
