One Step Back: the Rock & Roll Odyssey of Splooge
What is the price of a dream? This is the question the members of the rock & roll band Splooge must answer as they approach their 40th birthdays and are still playing bars and block parties. Determined to create their own original music despite the greater financial rewards of being a cover band, they have hit a dead end after more than a decade of putting their lives on hold in anticipation of their big breakthrough. That is, until a concert promoter hears their latest songs and offers them a chance to go on a cross-country tour of Ireland. Is this the opportunity they’ve been waiting for or will they continue to remain one step back of that elusive brass ring? A rollicking adventure, full of heart, humor and unforgettable characters, this true story is a testament to the power of music and evidence that a dream can sometimes be realized in the most unexpected of ways.
Starring Tommy Diaz, Mike Novy, Jeff Phillips
Director Peter Ventrella