
O’Mast means master in Neapolitan. But also a master craftsman, holder, employer. And, in some environments, even something more. O’Mast explores the tradition and the culture of expert sartorial tailoring, one of the very last excellences of Naples. A story of in- visible details and revealing gestures with timeless protagonists - men that made a natural philosophy of their job. And vice versa. O’Mast shows pictures of an unknown Naples, very far away from the decadent (even if sadly true) stereotypes we are used to. The blue of the bay alternates with the half-light of the interiors, while an overbearing light sifts out of thin curtains. This is the scenario where we meet some of the best tailors in the world, with their cli- ents that complete the tale. O’Mast defines the art of craftsmanship in images. The quality be- hind elegance contrasts with the fashionable noise where - often - behind the appearance there is only a marketing illusion. A docu- mentary about a mysterious world, immortalized in the splendor of its authentic beauty.
Antonio Panico, Ciro Palermo, Ciro Zizolfi
Gianluca Migliarotti