Survival of the fittest is the philosophy at all boys' boarding school Caldermount. If you're not a champion on the sports field, you're a nobody. No one knows this better than bookworm Amberson, who's been at the bottom of the school's social ladder since he can remember. When the French teacher's fiery daughter Agnes arrives, Amberson's life is turned upside down. He suddenly finds himself playing matchmaker for Winchester, the school's handsome but spectacularly dim school-hero. Winchester definitely has the looks to win over Agnes, but it's Amberson who has the wits. Will Amberson have the courage to reveal himself to her and stand up for who he really is? A fresh and vibrant comedy, Old Boys is a modern twist on the timeless story of Cyrano de Bergerac.
1 hr 36 min
Alex Lawther, Jonah Hauer-King, Pauline Etienne