Nine Lives

Nine Lives is the poignant exploration of nine women's individual experiences as told through nine single unbroken takes. As characters from one story reappear in supporting roles in others, director Rodrigo Garcia interweaves a grand tapestry of universal resonance that hinges on performances from an incredible ensemble cast. By depicting nine different characters at emotional crossroads, Nine Lives examines how we so often find ourselves captive in relationships, both past and present. Sandra (Elpida Carrillo), is in prison and wants desperately to connect with her visiting child. Diana (Robin Wright: Forrest Gump) confronts the sudden flash of a past relationship long after she has moved on to a new life. Holly (Lisa Gay Hamilton) can't seem to move forward until her stepfather acknowledges the pain he has caused her. Sonia (Holly Hunter: The Piano) reels from her boyfriend's disclosure of an intimate secret to their closest friends. Teenager Samantha (Amanda Seyfreid: Mamma Mia) is caught in a static loop as the peacemaker between her parents. Lorna (Amy Brenneman) attempts to comfort her ex-husband after his wife's suicide and finds herself implicated in the tragic death. Ruth (Sissy Spacek: Carrie) considers straying from married life during a motel rendezvous. Camille (Kathy Baker) faces the limitations of her previously dependable body. Maggie (Glenn Close: Fatal Attraction) allows her own life to be eclipsed by that of her young daughter, Maria (Dakota Fanning: War of the Worlds). Filmmaker Rodrigo Garcia plumbs the depths with these nine everyday women who meet the travails and disappointments of life with a resilience that is at once heartening and heartbreaking.
Elpidia Carrillo, Kathy Baker, Amy Brenneman
Rodrigo Garcia