Night of the Harvest
A year after surviving a brutal attack, Madison is still grappling with the trauma of that night. Seeking a sense of normalcy, she reluctantly agrees to join her sister, Audrey, and her friends at a Halloween bash, hoping for a night of fun and distraction. But the festive atmosphere quickly turns deadly when a masked killer begins to hunt them down one by one. Madison must confront her deepest fears and uncover the sinister secrets that bind her to this horror. "Night of the Harvest" is a spine-chilling thriller where masks and costumes aren't just for fun—they're part of a terrifying ritual. Prepare for a journey into the heart of fear, where every shadow hides an unknown threat, and each twist reveals the mysteries behind the Harvest.
Starring Aeric Azana, Jessica Morgan, Brittany Isabell
Director Christopher M Carter, Jessica Morgan