In NEW GODS: YANG JIAN, Yang Jian (voiced by Wang Kai in the Mandarin original and Nicholas Andrew Louie in the English dub) struggles to earn a living as a bounty hunter. It's been 13 years since the once powerful god imprisoned his sister beneath a mountain. A mysterious woman named Wanluo (Ji Guanlin, Christine Lin) hires Yang Jian to track down and return the Lamp of Universal Contentment. The search leads him to his nephewm Chenxiang (Li Lanling, Luke Naphat Sath). Chenxiang is trying to find the lotus flower that will release his mother from the mountain, even if this action will unleash chaos around the world. Yang Jian -- a lovable, devil-may-care rogue in the Errol Flynn/Han Solo tradition -- must stop him, as well as the hordes of bounty hunters and vigilantes who also want the treasure.