Mystery Science Theater 3000: Space Mutiny
Mike and the 'bots learn the 80s were worse than they thought as they endure the putrid sci-fi epic, "Space Mutiny (1988)", which features bad continuity, ludicrous attempts at futuristic sets, a dull-witted blonde hunk, a Santa Claus lookalike with an elderly-looking "daughter," mystical women doing interpretive dances, Ed Grimley's doppelganger and more. Meanwhile, the 'bots complain about Mike's out-of-date encyclopedia set. Pearl and the others are trapped in a dungeon in Ancient Rome. The 'bots have a space battle in a couple of escape pods. Crow believes he's a Bellerian, i.e. a member of the race of women depicted in the movie. Servo constructs railings everywhere on the ship.
Bill Corbett, Michael J. Nelson, Patrick Brantseg
Kevin Murphy