My Transparent Life
Available on Tubi TV
Investigative filmmaker Serena DC follows two transgender people living in Los Angeles, though their harrowing gender transitions, hoping to figure out if being transgender is a choice or are transgender people really born in the wrong body? Stassi and Jesse give Serena unprecedented access to their private lives sharing their journey to self-actualization, as they being hormone treatments, attend surgical appointments, battle for understanding from their family and peers and undergo gender reassignment surgery all the while trying to adjust to life as the opposite sex from which they were born. Along their journey they will be mentored by other transgender people, doctors, psychologists, and counsellors, as well as sharing their new gender with friends, work colleagues, and family; some of whom are not as supportive as others. Stassi & Jesse want to share their intimate stories with the world to help people better understand what it means to be transgender.
Starring Serena DC, Jesse Sullivan, Stassi Kihm
Director Serena DC, Miko Allyn Quinones